Registration Form

By signing this, you agree to take good care of the scooter and return it in good shape when you are done. You must contact us before you leave to head back to your country so we can pick up the scooter. The scooter can not be sold or transferred to anyone else. You also agree that you will be responsible for its safe keeping from theft. In the event the scooter is stolen there will be a $200 charge in addition to regular rental fees to help offset the asset loss. This a $400 retail scooter. Signature will be required at time of delivery with verification of identification (state id, passport, drivers license).

The bank account on file will be charged $60 monthly based on the date you take possession of the scooter. (auto-draft) You must contact us before the due date when you plan to return the scooter once you are done with it.

_________________________________(renter) _________________________________(owner)